Privacy Policy

Web privacy information

Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Code on the subject of the protection of personal data) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the subject of the protection of physical persons with regard to the use of personal data and the free circulation of such data, and subsequent amendments and additions,

Dear User,

Storti S.p.A., with registered office at Motta Baluffi (CR), via Francesco Dioli, no. 11, VAT no. 00765230198, phone 0375.968311, email, PEC, as Data Controller, informs you that this Privacy Policy serves to describe the methods of management of this website, with reference to the use of the personal data of the users/visitors who consult it.

Your data will be processed as required by law, according to the principles of need, correct procedure, legality and transparency, for the protection of your confidentiality and your rights, within the limits of the purposes of processing and preserving them, in respect of the minimization of the data, their exactness and quality and the integrity and security of the information.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to other websites - not owned by the Controller - to which you may have access via links, banners or other connections that may be present on our website.

Data subjects are, however, responsible for the security of their own account and should not share their access credentials or other information relative to their account with others.

Any data processing connected with the web services of this website will take place mainly at the aforementioned address and will be done by personnel assigned to that function.

Taking account of its organizational needs, the Controller may appoint Persons in Charge of Processing pursuant to art. 28 of Regulation 2016/679, who will apply adequate technical and organizational measures to ensure compliance with the terms of the law and protection of the interested party's rights. Said Persons in Charge of Processing will also be held to secrecy with reference to the performance of their duties and may also make use of specifically appointed Processors. The updated list of Persons in Charge of Processing and of Processors is available at the following e-mail address or at the following telephone number 0375.968311.

Type and origin of the personal data collected - You may be asked to provide your personal data every time you contact the Controller, in order to identify or contact you.

These data may also be combined with other data to supply and improve products, services, content and advertising materials.

Except in the cases specifically required by law, the Controller will not collect personnel data that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or membership in trade unions, or any genetic or biometric data tending to identify a physical person univocally, data relative to your health, sexual life or sexual preference of the individual.

The Controller does not collect personal data relative to criminal sentencing and crimes, or related security measures. The Controller invites you not to supply such data.

The consent of minors to the use of their personal data is valid from the age of 16.

The Controller will not process the personal data of children under 16 unless their parents or guardians give consent to the activity of collection and disclosure of the child’s data by the Controller.

We confirm that you are not required to supply the personal data requested by us: if you decide not to supply them, however, in many cases you will not be able to take advantages of the services available through the website.

Browsing data - The information systems and software procedures used to operate with website acquire some personal data during normal operation which are implicitly conveyed in use of the internet communication protocols.

The data in this case are not collected in order to be associated with identified data subjects, but by their nature they could be processed and associated with data controlled by others so as to identify the users.

This category of data would include the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the website, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the dimensions of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful outcome, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the operating system and information environment of the user.

Data supplied voluntarily by the user – The Controller collects and processes data supplied voluntarily by the data subject following access, registration, consultation and/or use of the website, including subscription to the newsletter service and use of the Live Chat service.

Purpose of data processing - on the basis of your free, explicit and informed consent – or in the other cases of legitimate processing mandatory by law, also including art. 6 of EU regulation 2016/679 – the Controller informs you that the data collected:

  1. make it possible to manage your request of registration to the website and to your account, as well as your request to participate in events organized by the Controller;
  2. may be used to verify your identity, facilitating the identification of the users;
  3. may be processed in anonymous and aggregate form for the purpose of obtaining statistics on the use of the website and to ensure its correct operation.

Cookie Policy - Details on the cookies used by the website are available at the following link [LINK].

Use of social media - We inform you that it is possible to participate in the Controller’s platform which includes several blogs, forum sites, wiki sites and other owned social media (Social Media Platform) which have been placed at your disposal. The main goal of these social media sites is to facilitate and permit the sharing of content. However, the Controller is not responsible if personal data are shared on the aforementioned social media sites and subsequently used, also improperly or inappropriately by third parties.

Processing methods and protection of data - the data subjects’ personal data will be process with hardcopy and/or electronic means for the time necessary to fulfill the reason for which they were collected, while applying adequate security measures to prevent the destruction or loss of the data, any possible unauthorized use and accesses, pursuant to art. 21 of EU regulation 2016/679.

Your data will not be disclosed in any way and may only be communicated to those third parties whose activity is necessary and related to the purposes to which this information sheet refers, such as administrative and judicial authorities qualified to request and obtain information about you, public authorities or organizations, subjects who perform or distribute banking, financial and insurance services, activities of filing, assistance and consultancy, activities of press, packaging, shipment and sorting of communications with the data subject, subjects engaged in supplying services for the management of the Data Controller's information system and telecommunications networks, companies owned by the Data Controllers or that cooperate with them, also located abroad in countries outside the European Union, or trusted external subject, also operating abroad and not owned by the Data Controller, which perform on its behalf activities of a technical and organizational character, consulting services and services of control, also informative.

Rights of the Data Subject – As the subject whose data are processed, you may, at any time, exercise your rights pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and articles 13 and thereafter of EU regulation 2016/679. In particular, you may ask the Data Controller to confirm its possession of your personal, you may access the data and request correction or deletion, or place limitations on processing. You may oppose processing, request the portability of the data and you have the right to file claims before a controlling body. You may obtain information about the source where the personal data originated and, if necessary, whether the data come from sources accessible to the public. Moreover, if processing is based on your explicit consent, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time without this affecting the legitimacy of any processing done based on consent give prior to the revocation.

System requirements

System requirements

Requisiti minimi

Requisiti raccomandati